Large Kielbasa Mix
We’ve hand picked and paired some of our top Kielbasa products into a package that are sure to delight with the tastes and sentiments of true Polish traditions! From smoked kabanosy and a variety of country-style smoked kielbasas to traditional Polish white sausage and all the condiments and sides to match, this package includes some of our favorite, classic Polish kielbasa selection.
Please note the products come without the basket.
Total weight: approx 10lb
- (1) Classic Kabanos
- (1) Hunter's Sausage
- (1) Chlopska Kielbasa
- (1) Biala sausage - Regular
- (1) Kosciuszko mustard
- (1) Grated Horseradish
- (1) Cucumbers in Brine
- (1) Polish Rye bread
- (1) Krakow Sausage - Krakowska - Chunk
How to defrost
In order to guarantee their quality, great taste and safety, all deli meats are stored frozen in Polana’s warehouse and are shipped in frozen condition to customers around the U.S. in a specialty shipping container with a cooler and dry ice. If you ordered a deli product from, it will arrive to you frozen. Upon receiving your package, if you do not wish to enjoy these foods right away, please place the products back in the freezer immediately. Once you are ready to enjoy your deli meats from Polana, simply remove them from the freezer and place them in your refrigerator to thaw. Allow the meats about 12 hours to come back to their original texture, taste and condition.
- If you ordered a pre-cooked or smoked meat - it is ready to enjoy! Try it cold or build it into your favorite dishes!
- If you ordered our fresh biala or blood sausages please reference the cooking instructions on the product pages to see how best to prepare and enjoy these meats.