Jams & Honeys – Dżemy i Miódy
A “Land flowing of milk & honey,” is the way rulers of foreign empires had historically described Poland. Indeed, in many ways Poland continues to live up to that description to this day! Poland is one of the top 10 honey producing countries in the world. Its rich beekeeping traditions date back many centuries and continue to be cultivated today by somewhere close to over 50,000 beekeepers all around Poland! Sweet and healthy, polish honey comes in a countless number of varieties and each is regarded as a natural and nutritious food product containing vitamins and enzymes not found in any other foodstuffs.
But honey is not the only natural sweet product that comes out of Poland! The country is also a top producer of fruit in the EU and worldwide! Fruits such as strawberries, apples, blueberries, blackcurrants and more are incorporated not only into favorite Polish dishes and desserts but are also conserved into jams, preserves, confiture and syrups so that the fruit harvests of Polish summer and autumn can be enjoyed year-round!
Shop Polana’s wide selection of all-natural honeys, jams and syrups imported straight from Poland and made according to authentic Polish traditions!
If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail at service@polana.com.